Jan 7, 2009

Mr. Vega - Dreamin' With The Lights On

Fireplays from Jon Thomas on Vimeo.

The video above is from artist Jon Thomas. Entitled Fireplays, the video was made using a bevy of fireworks and a Nikon D300. It's like those Sprint commercials from 2007 except cooler and more dangerous.

The song below was made by Mr. Vega and features the vocal stylings of Jamie Righetti from the band Firekrotch. It's like a Rihanna song from 2008, except cooler and more dangerous.

Mr. Vega - Dreamin' With The Lights On ft. Firekrotch [YSI]


Unknown said...

looks like the old sprint commercials but with way better music

Mr Vega said...

Hey dude thanks for the post about my song I appreciate it..

Mr Vega

banaboogie said...

updateeeeeee =[

E said...

its Kids by MGMT.?.!