The video for the new Peter, Bjorn & John song, Hey (Shut The Fuck Up Boy), hit the internet early last week and everyone was immediately creeped out by the rhythmless, masked dancers. I think the paper eyes are the most abnormal aspect of the video. If eyes are the windows to your soul, then those motionless eyes are one sided windows, attached to paper cut-out masks, worn by horrible dancers. But enough about the awesome(?) video, the real reason I doing this post is the even awesomer hook. PB & J, always masters of crafting perpetually danceable beats with little more than their drum set and a random instrument (sometimes it's a bass guitar, sometimes it's a pair of maracas, this time it's a simple woodblock), have outdone themselves with their brilliant hook for Hey. The hook brilliantly combines profanity, primal mating rivalry, and alcohol fueled jealous the into the perfect sing-a-long for long family road trips.
Fifth and final installment of Kendall's Favorite Song's of 2008. I'm glad it's over, now I can get back to my regular twice a month post schedule.
Dance The Bloody Beetroots – Rombo The Bloody Beetroots – Butter Justice – Planisphere Parts 1 through 4 The Golden Filter – Solid Gold The Phantom’s Revenge – Moondancer Surkin – Chrome Knight ft. Dave 1 A-Trak – Say Whoa BURNS – Make Love Beni – My Love Sees You
Australia Miami Horror – Summerfest ’86 Miami Horror – Make You Mine Bag Raiders – Shooting Stars Ladyhawke – Dusk Til Dawn Ladyhawke – My Delirium Cut Copy – Hearts On Fire Cut Copy – Far Away Cut Copy – Out There On Thin Ice Empire of the Sun – Walking On A Dream Empire of the Sun – Standing On The Shore Empire of the Sun – Swordfish Hotkiss Night BMX – WAR
Hip Hop Kid Sister – Get Fresh T-Pain – Can’t Believe It ft. Lil’ Wayne Lil’ Wayne – 3 Peat Lil’ Wayne – Let The Beat Build The Count & Sinden – Hardcore Girls ft. Rye Rye Wale – The Kramer Young Jeezy – Put On ft. Kanye West Kanye West – Street Lights Dizzee Rascal – Dance Wiv Me ft. Calvin Harris Herve & A-Trak – Roll With The Winners ft. Cadence Weapon Kid Cudi – T.G.I.F. ft. Chip The Ripper
B More Debonair Samir – Freaky Girl
Indie Rock Metronomy – Heartbreaker Magistrates – Make This Work Ghostland Observatory – Freeheart Lover Boy Crisis – L’homme Bloc Party – Mercury Starfucker – German Love Black Kids – Look At Me (When I Rock Wichoo) Cansei De Ser Sexy – Move The Ting Tings – Shut Up and Let Me Go Tokyo Police Club – Tessellate
This Kendall’s Favorite Songs of 2008 thing is starting to get old if I can say so myself (I can). Today we have my favorite “Indie Rock” songs of 2008. Basically I classified any group that uses a guitar as “Indie Rock”. That’s the way they taught us to label things at The School for Unimaginative People Who Can’t Think of Descriptive Words Good.
Dance The Bloody Beetroots – Rombo The Bloody Beetroots – Butter Justice – Planisphere Parts 1 through 4 The Golden Filter – Solid Gold The Phantom’s Revenge – Moondancer Surkin – Chrome Knight ft. Dave 1 A-Trak – Say Whoa BURNS – Make Love Beni – My Love Sees You
Australia Miami Horror – Summerfest ’86 Miami Horror – Make You Mine Bag Raiders – Shooting Stars Ladyhawke – Dusk Til Dawn Ladyhawke – My Delirium Cut Copy – Hearts On Fire Cut Copy – Far Away Cut Copy – Out There On Thin Ice Empire of the Sun – Walking On A Dream Empire of the Sun – Standing On The Shore Empire of the Sun – Swordfish Hotkiss Night BMX – WAR
Hip Hop Kid Sister – Get Fresh T-Pain – Can’t Believe It ft. Lil’ Wayne Lil’ Wayne – 3 Peat Lil’ Wayne – Let The Beat Build The Count & Sinden – Hardcore Girls ft. Rye Rye Wale – The Kramer Young Jeezy – Put On ft. Kanye West Kanye West – Street Lights Dizzee Rascal – Dance Wiv Me ft. Calvin Harris Herve & A-Trak – Roll With The Winners ft. Cadence Weapon Kid Cudi – T.G.I.F. ft. Chip The Ripper
Indie Pop Priors – What You Need Lykke Li – Breaking It Up Lykke Li – I’m Good I’m Gone The Twelves – Works For Me Little Boots – Meddle NERD – You Know What Sam Sparro – 21st Century Life
Ugh! I’m trying not to get another one of my Favorite Songs of 2008 posts stricken down by the nefarious DMCA, so I have begun to speak in code. Discodust found out that whenever a certain artist’s tracks were upped on the interwebs, the associated post is almost always deleted by the DMCA Bandits. The machines have taken over, we have been forced underground. So don’t be confused by that certain artist’s name, I’m sure you can figure it out.
On the post taken down yesterday, I lamented the fact that I forgot to include Everyone’s Got To Make A Living by Dances With White Girls on my favorites of ’08 list. Ask my roommate, this song ruled my life for about four days and annoyed the shit out of him. I won’t go back and amend the list but it would not be fair unless I posted Everyone’s Got To Make A Livinghere and here. Enjoy the rest of the best below.
Dance The Bloody Beetroots – Rombo The Bloody Beetroots – Butter Justice – Planisphere Parts 1 through 4 The Golden Filter – Solid Gold The Phantom’s Revenge – Moondancer Surkin – Chrome Knight ft. Dave 1 A-Trak – Say Whoa BURNS – Make Love Beni – My Love Sees You
Australia Miami Horror – Summerfest ’86 Miami Horror – Make You Mine Bag Raiders – Shooting Stars Ladyhawke – Dusk Til Dawn Ladyhawke – My Delirium Cut Copy – Hearts On Fire Cut Copy – Far Away Cut Copy – Out There On Thin Ice Empire of the Sun – Walking On A Dream Empire of the Sun – Standing On The Shore Empire of the Sun – Swordfish Hotkiss Night BMX – WAR
Indie Rock Metronomy – Heartbreaker Magistrates – Make This Work Ghostland Observatory – Freeheart Lover Boy Crisis – L’homme Bloc Party – Mercury Starfucker – German Love Black Kids – Look At Me (When I Rock Wichoo) Cansei De Ser Sexy – Move The Ting Tings – Shut Up and Let Me Go Tokyo Police Club – Tessellate
Indie Pop Priors – What You Need Lykke Li – Breaking It Up Lykke Li – I’m Good I’m Gone The Twelves – Works For Me Little Boots – Meddle NERD – You Know What Sam Sparro – 21st Century Life
The fucking DMCA Bandits took down my Favorite Songs of 2008: Part 2 post in one day. In less than 24 hours actually. When I set out making my list, I figured this would happen. They have taken down four or five of my posts since October. That's why I broke it up into five parts, so I wouldn't lose massive 50 song post. There is not much I can say or do other than pack up and move to Wordpress like everyone else. Really I think Mr. Lawrence says it best in the video above, "Shit just got real."
Attention to all you visitors in the London area, 333 will be hosting London’s biggest NYE blowout in two weeks. The shindig will encompass all three floors, with over 15 acts performing, including Trevor Loveys, We Have Band, and Hijack. You wanna get into the fracas for free? All you have to do is email with the answer to the following question: What is the name of Trevor Loveys’ record label?
The winners will be announced next week. For those of you not lucky enough to win free tickets, you can purchase limited early bird tickets for £20 at Ticketweb or buy regular priced tickets for £25 at the following locations:
SSDT: Come for the music, stay for the pictures of Samuel L. Jackson's floating head.
Two weeks ago, I wasn’t planning on making any end of the year lists. Why? Because I don’t listen to full albums often, I have the memory of a 72 year old stroke victim, and the whole process of choosing the better song out of two equally good songs and then choosing the BEST song out of a larger list of better songs is too daunting. Plus I’m lazy. But then my friends over at We Wore Masks asked me to put a little something together and of course I obliged. I’m too nice. So here it is, Kendall’s Favorite Songs of 2008 list.
In it, you will mostly find danceable indie pop, straight dance music and smatterings of raps songs thrown in to reaffirm my Blackness. What you won’t find are remixes. Rummaging through the thousands of remixes that came out in 2008 to determine which Cross The Dancefloor remix was “the best” would have been far too time consuming. I couldn’t do it, I would have drove myself crazy. So I made the stipulation that all the songs included in the list must be in their original form. So in the end, what I’ve compiled is by no means a strict comparison of “the best” songs of 2008, it’s simply my favorite songs released in 2008 (that I could remember). Hope you like it.
First up are my “Dance” picks. The picks are pretty straight forward except for Butter and Rombo by The Bloody Beetroots. I’m aware these songs were floating around in 2007 but those versions were early drafts, my picks are the final Rombo EP versions. Check back tomorrow for “Australia” which is now a music genre.
Miami Horror – Summerfest ’86 Miami Horror – Make You Mine Bag Raiders – Shooting Stars Ladyhawke – Dusk Til Dawn Ladyhawke – My Delirium Cut Copy – Hearts On Fire Cut Copy – Far Away Cut Copy – Out There On Thin Ice Empire of the Sun – Walking On A Dream Empire of the Sun – Standing On The Shore Empire of the Sun – Swordfish Hotkiss Night BMX – WAR
Hip Hop
Kid Sister – Get Fresh T-Pain – Can’t Believe It ft. Lil’ Wayne Lil’ Wayne – 3 Peat The Count & Sinden – Hardcore Girls ft. Rye Rye Wale – The Kramer Young Jeezy – Put On ft. Kanye West Kanye West – Street Lights Dizzee Rascal – Dance Wiv Me ft. Calvin Harris Herve & A-Trak – Roll With The Winners Lil’ Wayne – Let The Beat Build Kid Cudi – T.G.I.F. ft. Chip The Ripper
Debonair Samir – Freaky Girl
Indie Rock
Metronomy – Heartbreaker Magistrates – Make This Work Ghostland Observatory – Freeheart Lover Boy Crisis – L’homme Bloc Party – Mercury Starfucker – German Love Black Kids – Look At Me (When I Rock Wichoo) Cansei De Ser Sexy – Move The Ting Tings – Shut Up and Let Me Go Tokyo Police Club – Tessellate
Indie Pop
Priors – What You Need Lykke Li – Breaking It Up Lykke Li – I’m Good I’m Gone The Twelves – Works For Me Little Boots – Meddle NERD – You Know What Sam Sparro – 21st Century Life
I admit to being a closeted Maroon 5 fan. Well a closeted It Won’t Be Soon Before Long fan, I will admit Songs About Jane was a baseball-sized wad of bubble gum pop. But I find it hard to believe that one, without prior knowledge (and preconceived disgust) of Maroon 5, could not fall in love with the electro-funk-R&B amalgamation Mr. Levine and his band present on their sophomore album. The funk presented on Makes Me Wonder will not be denied. You will snap your fingers. You will sing. You will pop your neck side to side a la MJ during his Bad era. And don’t get me started on the exuberant synths and funky guitar riff of If I Never See Your Face Again. Actually you won’t have to get me started cause that’s all I got on that particular song. I am not an actual music critic.
But anyway, back to the subject at hand. You’re probably flipping through your calendar to check today’s date because you swear it is 2008 and not 2007 and since it is 2008 you’re probably wondering why the hell has this kid wasted 158 words on a year old album. Well, wiseacre, I’m trying to tell you about Call and Response: The Remix Album. Yeah, the one with blog favorites Cut Copy and Cool Kids on it. And the one with the cool video directed by Eric Wareheim of Tim & Eric fame. Yeah. Not so smug now smart aleck. You might call me crazy, but the Swizz Beatz remix in the video above is my favorite remix of the three.
Also, the Black guy in the thick framed glasses and large gold rope chain is your father.
Oh shit! It’s a funk battle. Who is more disco?! The Golden Filter remix or the Hercules & Love Affair remix? I don’t know which song will win this disco remix battle but no matter which artist wins you know who really wins? That’s right Denzel Washington. Wait a minute, I mean, we all win.
When I saw that Discobelle and IHEARTCOMIX received the new EP #4 from Meterhead yesterday I was downtrodden to say the least. I mean, I’ve been down with Meterhead from the get go, where was my EP I thought. Well, apparently their email was simply lost in the shuffle, I received the EP today. You know how this email thing works, sometimes the emailman loses a package or two, takes the wrong exit on the information superhighway, stops by a couple of porn sites. No biggie…..which is a brilliant segue to talk about my favorite track off of Meterhead’s new EP, Biggie Dance. On Biggie Dance, Meterhead remixes a hip hop classic with their signature banging electro style. Big bass, big synths, awesome breakdowns. The Hardcore Girls electric-disco remix is nothing you would expect (but still great), the Blue Monday cover is everything you would expect (but still great), and if Rick Astley’s soulful voice is anywhere in Rick Rollin, I got rick rolled.
The video for the new Bloody Beetroots song Cornelius was everywheretodaybutI don't care, I'M POSTING IT ANYWAY! Cornelius comes out December 18th. And if I have to tell you who The Bloody Beetroots are, GET THE F OUT OF MY BLOG!!!!*
* Sorry for all the e-yelling. I was raging as I typed this post.
With this flurry of post-semester posting going on here at SSDT, it looks like I’ve forgotten to post some hip hop influenced dance music. I was in my Australian/French electro comfort zone the past three posts until the new Eli Escobar WTF remix came and woke up my hip hop side (that and the new Clipse mixtape, pick it up here). Tittsworth’s WTF has seen its fair share of remixes since its release in October but Mr. Escobar’s remix is by far the funkiest.
The last time I posted a Miami Horror track, I threatened to sneak into your home and upload Make You Mine into your iPod while you slept. Well, I did that. Maybe you should think about locking your window at night buddy. After leaving your house, I downloaded the whole Bravado EP. Bravado is supremely good, especially the track Summerfest '86. The guitar riff used throughout Summerfest '86 lends a sense of edgy exuberance not found in the other four tracks. It adds a variety to the EP that throws listeners for a loop after they thought they had this Miami Horror guy figured out. If I had the patience to construct a "Top __ Songs of 2008" list, Summerfest '86 would easily make the top 15. Download it now before the Music Fairy* has to make another visit.
With all the time I spend celebrating the works of various Australian producers, I sometimes overlook the gems coming from producers right here in the good ‘ol US of A. New York producer Diamond Cut was one of those overlooked American gems until two weeks ago. With the four remixes below, her* bass driven synth melodies have ignited my musical patriotism. What is even more refreshing is the artists Diamond Cut chooses to remix. I admit to never hearing any work from any of the artists below before being introduced to them via a Diamond Cut remix.
* If you go to Diamond Cut’s myspace you will find Brandy and Ray J, R&B artists and stars of 1990s sitcom Moesha, in her Top Friends. Because I can’t think of any reason for an electronic producer to have Brandy, let alone Ray J, in her Top Friends, I’m guessing Diamond Cut is Moesha costar, Countess Vaughn. Think about it.
Chic and the Tramp are two young DJ/producers coming from the Swiss alternative scene. They are back with a brand new song based on their love for guitar riffs and old rock songs!
First up we have the product of some hot Brazil on Brazil action. Brazilian producers, Database, have a new baile funk version of their track Miami that originally hit the blogs back in September. The original Miami featured a sample of Bonde Do Role’s hit Miami Beach. The vocals are still present, albeit chopped up and accompanied with bouncy samba drumming. The baile funk remix sounds so “below the equator” those of you suffering through the coldest winter (had to get a Kanye reference somewhere in my blog) may thaw out a little.
English producers Punks Jump Up are possibly my favorite artists who don’t release enough new material. They released their spectacular single, Dance To Our Disco, on Kitsune way back in March of 2007 and since then they’ve been rocking DJ shows and stringing along their fans with awesome remix after awesome remix. As if they could feel the anticipation of their fans reaching an apex, they’ve decided to spend the months of December and January in studio working on new material. Until their new stuff hits the blogs you must continue to be strung along with remixes. Here is their remix of Tronik Youth’s We Are.
And finally, I have an assortment of housey tracks I’m listening to today. The first track by College is more of the future 80s dance music we’ve come to know and love from any artist associated with Valerie. The Moulinex remix of FantasyPark is included on Secret Diary, the new album from College. You can purchase Secret Diaryhere. Good Life, released in 1988 by Inner City, is an artifact when measured in blog years and the new remix from Matty C, which hit the Blogosphere two days ago, is at least three weeks old. The Matty C remix is part of the new Quarter Water EP, a collaboration between him and DJ Ayres. The EP is full of like minded house remixes from the two producers. Pick it up here. True Pseudo’s remix of Mt.Sims’ The Bitten Bite Back is a remix to behold. I’ve never heard of either of these artists before, but after one listen to this remix I want more. Six minutes of distortion, driving bass, and awesome synths, True Pseudo throws together multiple dance music elements and creates a track which dares you not to dance.
I’ve been a fan of Housemeister ever since hearing Inordertodance back at the beginning of the summer. The beat so steady, the synths so hypnotic. The track is a wonderful template for producers to remix. Thankfully blog elder statesman, Boys Noize, has made a new remix. Boys Noize creates a song with greater variation while keeping the steadiness that makes the original so great. Do the right thing and purchase the remix here.
The Bag Raiders remix of By the Time They Reach You, as umeabeat puts it, is few blog years old, but if you’ve never heard it, its new to you right. With the barrage of releases from Bag Raiders and Bang Gang Records in the past month, it only makes sense that the blog community is gathering up as much Bag Raiders as they can. If you’re missing this remix from your Bag Raiders collection, you can pick it up below. I won’t charge you this time.
Make You Mine is the second single off of Miami Horror’s Bravado EP to hit the Blogosphere. If you don’t have their first single Don’t Be On With Her, download it here. NOW! I’m sorry I rose my voice with you, but these tracks are that good. Disco-pop at its finest. If you don’t download Make You Mine, I will find you, and upload it into your iPod during the night. You can pick up the whole EP on their myspace page.
A Cross the Universe Tracklisting: 01. Intro 02. Genesis 03. Phantom Part 1 04. Phantom Part 1.5 05. D.A.N.C.E. 06. D.A.N.C.E. Part 2 07. DVNO 08. Waters Of Nazareth (Prelude) 09. Two Minutes To Midnight 10. Tthhee Ppaarrttyy 11. Let There Be Lite 12. Stress 13. We Are Your Friends (Reprise) 14. Waters Of Nazareth 15. Phantom Part 2 16. Encore 17. NY Excuse 18. Final
I am sure most of you have heard by now that Jus†ice is coming out with a documentary DVD + Live CD on November 24th. I just feel like if there is just one of you who have not seen the previews for it then this post is worth it. It looks like it is going to be one hell of a video.
This song is amazing. Probably the best track I've downloaded all week. I'm not surprised that I've never seen any Demon tracks floating around in the Blogosphere; Lifelike often remixes songs made by lesser known acts. I guess that is his M.O. (modus operandi not Missouri): He takes tracks by lesser known acts, remixes the shit out of them (scientific terminology), then unleashes the remixed track onto the Blogosphere thereby creating all new fans for said lesser known artist. That was a brilliant hypothesis I just typed. I am off to become a scientist now. Good bye.
Fellow southerners Trash Yourself just released a new single "Forget It" and are about to go on tour. Check out their myspace page for dates... just try not to get a seizure.
ddpesh sent me a remix he did for Cut Copy that has a really good 8-bit/synth sound that I can't get enough of. I am definitely looking forward to squeezing this track in my next set in between Crystal Castles and LAZRtag.
I don't know who Dan Thompson is or why he sent me this new Calvin Harris remix today but I know I'm grateful. His email told me nothing more than the title of the track and that it was "cool to blog" and "safe". I'm guessing Dan Thompson is my blog angel, plucking tracks from the heavens of the Blogosphere he knows I will love and delivering them straight to my inbox. What a great blog angel, he didn't even ask for a thank you. Well I'm not a blog angel so I expect a thank you after you download this track. It's a Calvin Harris remix so of course it's dope.
Badass Daft Punk picture I found on Tumblr is what happens when the song I post is from 1980 and I can't even find a wikipedia entry on the artist.
When Junior Senior broke up in September, I didn’t think I’d ever hear anymore of their sweet indie pop again. I was bummed until I found out Jeppe is still making music. Yall should head over to his myspace to hear Big Boy. It was my favorite track for about three days a month ago. One song can only carry you so far though, that’s why I’m happy I found Yaya by Ron Rogers. Sure it’s not Junior Senior but it might as well be, everything is here. The nonsensical rhymes, heavy use of repetition, Danish accents, background singers, and a spectacular beat makes you wanna dance. Yaya is part of a compilation album titled Mutant Disco Vol. 3: Garage Sale. You can pick it up here.
This song makes me remember when I was in LA. For two and half days. It was the best two and a half days of my life. In L.A., was always sunny and bright. The newscasters complained when the weatherman said the temperature would reach a high of 84 degrees. The beach was less than ten minutes away. People were walking, riding skateboards, and bikes and it wasn’t just the poor people like in Houston. All the girls were beautiful. I always thought a movie was filming right around the corner. It felt like I might get run over at any moment by Britney Spears as I walked along the Third Street Promenade. It was magical.
I wish everyone could experience L.A. for two and half days like me, but I know this is not a possibility for some (I’m a balla). For those of you who can’t afford the glamorous life of L.A., the Shazam remix of Munk’s Down in L.A. is a sufficient replacement. It will make you feel at least 75% as good inside as actually visiting the city for two and half days.
Robocop on a Unicorn is what happens when artists don't include pictures in their myspace profile suitable for posting. via flickr
I was pretty excited when I first heard the snippets of Forza, the new Zombie Nation track, UKW Records sent me last week. I already had a post floating in my mind commenting on the brooding bass and the stellar remixes from Housemeister and Fuckkk Offf. Pretty excited until I listened to the full length, 96kbps tracks UKW sent me for posting. They sounding like someone was playing Forza at peak volume on a ghettoblaster with blown speakers that was placed in a garbage can. Oh it was bad. Luckily, Kazaam over at electrocasts posted 320 kbps versions of the original Forza and the Housemeister remix. I don’t know how the man does it and I don’t wanna know. I don’t have the balls to post two tracks off a three track single so I’m only posting the Housemeister remix. Enjoy.
Whenever The Bloody Beetroots is one of the producers asked to remix an official single for an artist, it’s common blog knowledge that the Bloody Beetroots remix will be the remix featured on everyone’s blog. If I remember correctly from that blogging class I took in ‘07, this event is explained by the BBS Formula: Bloody Beetroots = Blog Hits = Blogger Self Validation. Given the BBS Formula, one can easily see why the new Bloody Beetroots remix of Cobrastyle has been everywhere the last four days. Yes, even here (I need proof of my self worth too). But let’s take time to appreciate two other remixes from the official single by The Touch and Mason. Both producers deliver tense, house-flavored jams I imagine would get played out more than the BBS remix. As always, it’s up to you to decide which one you like best. Purchase the single here.
With election day one day away, SSDT's endorsement for Obama to become the next President of the United States could not have come at a better time. You're welcome for all the free press Mr. Obama. This should definitely secure the small-town, frightened White people vote for Obama. Seriously, they love this site. Because they don't know I'm Black.
DJ Khaled is the worst of the worst. Can someone explain why is he so angry? Did somebody on the set misplace his muumuu? I think that's it, someone misplaced his muumuu. Hurry, get this man to the nearest Big & Tall & Talentless store so he will stop breaking glass cups in innocent people's faces.
Ah man, I love me some hipster rap. I love it because it provides me a way to "get my Black on" in a non-threatening manner. Imagine the look on my neighbor's face if I pulled into my driveway banging Before Da Kappa 2000 out of my car with all four windows down. Somebody just lost his invitation to the annual neighborhood barbeque. That's why I'm loving Get Fresh by Kid Sister. That and the Dimmakunication sample during the hook is dope.
Now that we're on the topic of Kid Sister, you're probably thinking I could easily do a mean post attributing her success to her good looks similar to the Katy Perry "boobs = success" post I did last week. Well you're wrong (and a big meanie) for thinking that and I'll tell you why. Kid Sister is good. Granted, she isn't the greatest wordsmith around but her tracks are always well produced and fun. She also varies her beat selection which brings a different feeling to each track. Oh, you don't believe me? Download Family Reunion below. In it Kid Sister raps and sings (oh yeah folks, she's multi-talented) over another great beat that will have you begging for a full length album.
To blog or not blog? That is the question that has run through my head at various times throughout the last few days. I know, it’s a silly question to worry about from day to day. Blogging isn’t my job, posting isn’t an alternative stream of income for me, and, if you can believe it, blogging doesn’t even net me anymore girls. That last one really sucks considering “more chicks” was the primary reason I started music blogging. Even though I know I don’t have to do this, I also don’t want this blog to die because of my own lethargy. So after a week of serious soul searching (thanks Oprah), I remembered the second reason I started blogging. I started blogging to share music I like, music I like a lot, hell, music I love. [cue the theme from Captain Planet] That’s right. I’m back baby!
Oh, the Priors, I love ‘em. They could be my new favorite group if they just release some more music. Formed by life-long musicians Yann Destal and Rawman, Priors sound like France’s answer to Australia’s Empire of the Sun in the French-Australian electro war played out over on hipsterrunoff.
I can’t think of any other word to describe What You Need, the singular song on their myspace page, than “glorious”. The track opens with some of the smoothest vocal harmonizing you will find this side of a 1950s barbershop quartet and continues throughout the song as the smooth French house-pop instrumental induces a state of euphoric ease in the listener. I know the phrase “euphoric ease” may seem hyperbolic but listen to What You Need and tell me you don’t feel like your floating threw the air, bathed in golden rays of light.
I admit that I’ve arrived late to the YACHT party. Lucky for me they haven’t embarked on their journey through the sea of indie-blog-fame. If I would have arrived to the party a few months later, like in 2009 when their first album is released through DFA Records, it would be uncool for me to become a new fan. Lame, I know but that’s the rule, I didn’t make ‘em, I just follow ‘em. So enjoy Summer Song while you still can, it is awesome, which goes without saying if you know the reputation of DFA Records.
Update: Info for my fellow Texans, YACHT will be performing in Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin on November 6, 7, and 8 respectively. Wait, San Antonio?!?! WTF?!? Austin, I got it, I understand, you’re the cool kid in the group, I know. Dallas, okay we’ve been losing out to you for awhile now, I’ve learned to accept it. But San Antonio, really? I don’t mean to hate on San Antonio, but um, San Antonio sucks. There, I said it. I heard only ten people live there. Ten people and they all work at the Alamo. Houston couldn’t even get a Sunday show? Shit!
I’ve been searching for another great remix of Move ever since hearing Cut Copy’s take on the Cansei de Ser Sexy single. The original is another one of those spectacular indie-pop songs that, in my opinion, are so great I can’t understand why they never make the jump to mainstream success. It’s truly perplexing. But back to the moral of this story: I found another great Move remix when I downloaded the Frankmusick remix. Frankmusick uses heavy repetition of vocals and instruments from the original track and combines them with his own original production creating a whole new song that still sounds familiar and new at the same time. Wow, at the same time?!??! Yes, at the same time.
With the release of the new Bag Raiders EP and the release of their new double disc mix CD over the weekend, the name Bang Gang has been on every music blog within the past two weeks. All this hype and attention is not undeserved however, any release with the Bang Gang name attached to it is quality work. The Drugs In My Body remix starts with a two minute synth buildup before giving way to the awesome bassline used in the original track. The rest of the track shifts in-between buildups, breakdowns, and good times.
Australian producer, G.L.O.V.E.S., unleashed his official remix of Sneaky Sound System’s newest single When We Were Young yesterday. The hardcopy and digital singles are set for release on November 12th. Along with the G.L.O.V.E.S. remix below, the single will include remixes from Shazam, Sinden, Juan Maclean, and Breakbot. That’s a certified all star cast of producers lined up so be sure to pick up the single when it’s released in a few weeks.
Over the months since this blog’s inception I’ve spilled much ink addressing the dazzling quantity and quality of music coming out of Australia. With acts like Cut Copy, Van She, Ladyhawke, Empire of the Sun and a list of others that could go on forever, its seems like it is about time Australia got its own genre. We already have Swedish pop, and French house, why not Australian pop? Why not indeed my good man*. That is why I’m declaring “Australian pop” the newest musical genre. I have already contacted Apple about this and they have added the new genre to iTunes and will soon release an update so you all can update your iPods accordingly.
But what brought about this latest pro-Australia love-post? New stuff from Bag Raiders and Miami Horror, that’s what. Bag Raiders released their Turbo Love EP last week via Bang Gang Records. The EP features the two tracks, Turbo Love and Shooting Stars, along with the Shooting Stars instrumental and the Bag Raiders remix of Turbo Love. Miami Horror sent out Don’t Be On With Her a few days back to promote the release of their upcoming EP, Bravado, on November 15th. All three tracks have a subdued approach to dance music that can best be described as Australian pop. The filtered synths, light drums, judicious use of distortion, and vocals that glide over the beat come together to produce tracks that are instantly accessible and infinitely danceable.
I am not a fan of Katy Perry. There I said it. When I see a new remix of her one hit single, I Kissed A Girl, scrolling along my Google Reader, I totally ignore it. I don't know if a remix from the Electro Gods of the moment, Justice, could get me to listen to her drivel anymore. Granted, she does have tremendous natural talent (boobs) that can't be denied (big boobs) and her "Britney Spears as a 50s pinup girl" act might keep her interesting for a little while (really big boobs), but we all know why she made it big in '08. That's right folks, her beautiful singing voice*.
That being said, you might see me as a hypocrite for posting the new The American Dream Team remix of her other not-so-hit single, Hot N' Cold. The only reason I'm posting Hot N' Cold is because I like Money VIP so much, the other track The American Dream Team sent me. While I'm positive America doesn't need anymore pop songs from untalented women with beautiful singing voices*, we can all appreciate a fun electro hip hop track about money, bitches, cars, clothes and weed.
The video above explains the reference in the blog post title for the five of you who have never seen Seinfeld. Whenever something new come down from the fellas over at Buffet Libre, I find myself instantly smitten. Their three latest releases are previews from their forthcoming project, Rewind 2. The first Rewind project consisted of covers and remixes of 80s dance music. This time, Rewind 2 will include covers of 70s, 80s and 90s music. This is an ambitious endeavor indeed but I wouldn't expect anything less from the enormous amount of talent Buffet Libre always brings together.
Houston, catch Designer Drugs tonight at Boondocks. If you’ve checked your Reader anytime in the last three weeks you already know what’s up with Designer Drugs. For those of you who don’t even know what “Reader” I am referring to, let me put you on some game (see, I am Black). In the last three weeks Designer Drugs has released three badass remixes and are set to release their debut single Zombie through IHEARTCOMIX on October 26.
It looks like DD has figured out the way to receive sustained attention from the “30 seconds of fame” culture of the Blogosphere. “How, how do I, an online artist, get attention from the Blogosphere and achieve complete internet success?” asked the online artist in the back corner of Myspace. Well, Online Artist, normally I would charge you $19.95 plus shipping and handling for such information but since I like your face and I have free time at work, I’ll give you a quick rundown.
Artists must launch a three-pronged attack that begins with the release of multiple remixes or original productions in a short period of time. In today’s example, DD released three aesthetically similar, well-produced remixes of artists ranging on the popularity scale from International Superstar, to Blog Superstar, to “Who The Hell?”. Next, the artist must go on tour. This makes the artists tangible to the listener, more than just another unread, then read tab on the Google Reader of the average blog connoisseur. And finally, to ensure maximum money making potential, the artist must hit the internet with his single, EP or full length album available on iTunes, Beatport, Turntable Lab, your local corner store, etc. So, if my theory holds up (it does), Designer Drugs are on their way to become millionaires and so can you (no you can’t).
Okay, that’s enough Rudimentary Online Marketing 101 for today, hit up Designer Drugs’ myspace page to listen to Zombie right now, and if you missed the aforementioned badass remixes you can pick them up below.
All music files posted on SSDT are for sampling purposes only. If you like the song, support the artist by purchasing the song on Itunes, going to a concert, buying a shirt, giving blood at your local hospital in their name, do something. If you are an artist who would like a song removed email us at
Hit us up on aim, screenname KingShabaka OR TheNameIsJohnny .
MP3s posted on SSDT are for sampling purposes only. If you like a track please buy the record, buy the mp3 or go to the show. If you are the owner of the track and would like it removed, email me at